"A Hard Days Night", directed in 1964, and "Help" directed in 1965, were directed by Richard Lester in Although they are both about "The Beatles", they both do have similarities and a few differences.
"A Hard Days Night" and "Help" were both silly movies. They were designed to show how the Beatles life-style was. In "A Hard Days Night" it was mainly a movie about every day life for the Beatles. The songs in the movie were mostly about girls. In the Movie "Help" the movie was still a bit silly but had a plot to go along with the movie.
I had not listened to much of the Beatles but after watching these movies I have started to like their music a lot more. I liked how they played Beatle song's throughout the whole movie. "A Hard Days Night" did not interest me that much but the music did. I liked how in "Help" there was a plot and actually had a story.
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