"The Wizard of Oz" was written in 1939 but made into a movie and directed by Raymond Weschler in 1999. The movie is a musical. The movie stars Judy Garland as Dorothy Gale, Ray Bolger as Hunk/The Scarecrow, Jack Haley as Hickory/The Tinman, and Bert Lahr as Zeke/The Lion. The movie takes place in Kansas and in a fictional place called Oz.
Once Dorothy gets caught in a twister back in Kansas, she ends up in a magical place called Oz. She wants to go home and at first very scared because she doesn't know where she is. She must go on an adventure and follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald City to meet the great, and powerful, Wizard of Oz, while avoiding the Wicked Witch of the West.
I have always liked this movie. I like how the movie starts off in a real state, Kansas, and its black and white, but once she gets to Oz, it has color and its a fictional city. The songs are really catchy and it is hard to keep your foot from tapping when you are listening to a song. I liked how they showed the three workers from the farm in the beginning and then when they were in Oz, they each played a role in the "Dream." They were either a scarecrow, tinman, or a lion.
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