"Magnificent Seven" is a western-type movie that was directed by "John Sturges" in 1960. The movie stars Yul Brynner as "Chris", Eli Wallach as "Calvera", and "Steve McQueen as "Vin." The movie was actually a western style remake of the 1954 Japanese film "Seven Samurai."
A Hispanic/Indian village needs help to fight some bandits that keep eating all their food and destroying their town. They travel a long way and find seven guys that are capable of defeating the bandits. They teach the guys in the village how to fight and defend themselves against the bandits. They end up fighting against the bandits in the end.
I liked the movie because it had color and it had many actors that were popular at the time. The director did a great job with the plot and the scenes. It was historical and I like history movies. I liked Steve McQueen's character. He played a major role in the movie.
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