"American Graffiti" was directed by George Lucas, who later on wrote Star Wars. "American Graffiti" takes place in Modesto, California in 1962. The movie stars Ron Howard as "Steve", Richard Dreyfuss as "Curt", and Paul Le Mat as "John."
I really liked this movie. It was funny and helped how how life was in the 1960's. In the 1960's everyone seems laid-back and does not seem to care about much. I think it is pretty cool that because it was a small town, and all they did was circle around, and drive around the town. To me, that seems like it would be really fun. I liked the plot and the characters. I liked how there was two different stories going on at the same time. You had Steve and Lauri in their situation during the movies, and then there was John and Debbie in their situation.
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