"The Birds" was directed by Alfred Hitchcock in 1963. The movie stars Rod Taylor as "Mitch Brenner", Tippi Hedren as "Melanie Daniels", and Suzanne Pleshette as "Annie Hayworth." The movie is considered scary because at this time in 1963, it was a portrayal of an apocalypse.
Mitch Brenner comes into a pet shop to get some love birds. Melanie tells them they are all out, but she finds out where Mitch Brenner lives and goes to Bodega Bay to deliver the birds. Once Melanie delivers the love birds, the birds in the area start to act strange, and attack people. The reason why the birds are attacking them is because it was their planet first and they are attracted to the smoke and gas. Many people are attacked throughout the movie by the birds. A school full of children are attacked. In the end, Melanie, Mitch, Cathy,Mitch's little sister, and Lydia, Mitch's mom, leave Bodega Bay and head to San Fransisco in the end. They escape the birds.
I thought the Birds was a good movie but not really a scary one. It had some scenes where they made me jump sometimes. The movie had a great plot and great actors. I did not like the ending though because
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