The very first "Star Wars" was made in 1977. It was directed and written by George Lucas. The movie starred Mark Mamill as Luke Skywalker, Harrison Ford as Han Solo, Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia, and Alec Guinness as Ben Obi-One Kenobi.
Shortly after Luke Skywalker's family is killed, Luke starts living with his mentor Obi-One Kenobi. Luke, Obi-One, and two droids, C-P30 and R2-D2, are trying to get out of a planet and go to another one. They find a pilot named Han Solo and his Wookie named Chewbacca to take them to the other planet. They end up going to a military station where Darth Vader is the leader. Once the group gets there and they realize Princess Leia is captive there, they plan to save her and escape from the station. They end up saving Princess Leia and returning her back to her planet. Once they safe, Han Solo plans to leave and not fight with the Rebels against Darth Vader. Luke and other Rebels, go to destroy the military station with a single shot. Once the rebels are spotted, the bad guys, including Darth Vader, fight against the Rebels and Luke. After many Rebels deaths, Luke is one of the few Rebels left. He is just about to get shot when Han Solo comes and shoots at Darth Vader and makes him go away and Luke destroys the station. Han Solo and Luke are rewarded well when they get back to Princess Leia's planet.
I had never seen "Star Wars" before I watched it yesterday but I really liked the movie. I liked the action and the scenes in the movie. The action and the scenes made me interested and on the edge of my seat. I liked how they used real props throughout this movie. I plan to watch the other "Star Wars" movies soon.