"Toy Story" was an animated movie made in 1995 all from a computer. It starred Tom Hanks as the voice of Woody and Tim Allen as the voice of Buzz. Toy story is about a young boy named Andy's toys. Woody has been Andy's favorite toy but once Buzz comes along, Woody becomes jealous. Once Woody and Buzz become lost and stuck at a cruel kid named Sid's house, they must go on an adventure to get back to Andy.
"Bambi" was an animated movie filmed in 1942, and was based off the children's book by Felix Salten. The movie was supervised by Walt Disney. Bambi is born in the beginning of the movie. He was called the "Young Prince." Bambi's best friend is Thumper, a rabbit. Once Bambi's mom takes him to the meadow one day, Bambi realizes how dangerous the meadow is. When Winter comes, Bambi's mom gets shot and Bambi goes to live with the king of the forest. Once the spring has come, Bambi has antlers and is a lot bigger. Their forest burns down, and Bambi finds a mate, and has a kid of his own. This was my first time watching Bambi, and i liked it. It had some sad scenes it the movie.
Toy Story and Bambi are similar but different in many ways. They are similar because they are both animated films. Toy Story had many funny lines or scenes but Bambi was a more serious movie. The animation in Toy Story was better than the animation in Bambi, due to the fact that Bambi was made in 1942. Bambi had more sad scenes than Toy Story.
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