Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Final Blog

A. What are the three most important things the film class has taught you about film? How has this changed your approach to movie watching?

One thing that the film class has taught me is that their are a lot of movies that I would have never even seen if it wasn't for this class. I didn't like every single movie that we watched, but I got to see movies that I would have never seen. I would have never seen the movies like "Casablanca, Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, or Something Like It Hot." These 3 movies were made long before I was born. If it wasn't for this class, I would have never seen them. Another thing that this class has taught me was that you cant just assume that because it's an old movie, it is not going to be a good movie. Most of the movies we watched this year were all at least 50 years old, and almost all of them were good movies to me. Lastly, this movie has taught me that you cant just assume a movie will not be good just by looking at the genre. One of my favorite movies we watched this year was "The Sound of Music." This was a musical and I did not think I would like it because it was a musical. But in the end, it turned out to be one of my favorites that we watched this year. 

This has changed my approach on movie watching tremendously. I now look at the dialogue that the Characters use. I pay attention to who stars in the movie. We watched a lot of Jimmy Stewart movies and he was one of my favorite actors. Now, whenever I see a movie, I will pay attention to who stars in the movie.

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