"Close Encounters with the 3rd kind" and "Invasion of the Body Snatcher's" are classical science fiction movies. "Close Encounter's" was directed Phillip Kaufman and "Invasion" was a directed by Stephen Speilburg.
"Invasions" and "Close Encounter's" both talk about aliens coming into Earth and invading the United States. In both of the movies, bith of the aliens seem to be harmful. Although "Invasion" and "Close Encounter's" have to do with the same thing, they both have different plots. In the "Invasion" movie, the aliens invade their mind through these plants. They restart their whole boyd and you cannot love if you go sleep. In "Close Encounters", the aliens have taken a little boy. In another plot, this guys is trying to find the aliens. He studies them. They were also different because "Invasion" is in black and white, and "Close Encounters" is in color and had decent graphics.
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