"The Grapes of Wrath" is based off the book written by John Steinbeck. The movie was directed by John Ford. The movie stars Henry Fondra as "Tom Joad", Jane Darewell as Ma Joad, and John Carradine as "Casy."
I really liked this movie. I thought it was really good even though it was in black and white. I liked the historical background in the movie. It had a great plot, and I believe Henry Fondra was the perfect actor to play Tom Joad. Tom was my favorite Character because he never let anyone tell him what to do, and he was very independent.
There are a few things that I did not like about the movie as well. I do not really like black and white movies that well because I believe that a movie with color. With color, the person watching the movie can see things or objects in a different perspective. I also did not like the ending of the movie. The movie just left us hanging and had a dumb ending. It doesn't specify where Tom or the family ended up.
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