"War of the Worlds" is a science fiction, movie based off the book that written in 1898 by H.G Wells. The movie was filmed in 1952 and directed by Byron Haskin,and produced by George Pal. The movie is starring Gene Berry as Dr. Forrester and Ann Robinson as Sylvia Van Buren.
Martians, possibly from Mars, have come to Earth to take over the world. Space ships come flying down at random places on Earth. The first one to hit on Earth lands in California. The citizens do not yet know that the space ship has Martians in them. Once 3 citizens are killed from by the Martians, the police call in the military. The military tries using every weapon they have including guns, tanks, and even the atom bomb but none are useful against the Martians. Many of the major cities around the world are destroyed because of the Martians. The Martians invade Los Angeles.The Martians die right before they tear up the church where Dr. Forrester and Sylvia are located. The reason the Martians die, is because they cannot breathe the same air as we do on Earth.
Although the movie was a "B" type movie, meaning that it was a low budget motion picture, and the effects were not as great, I thought the movie was good. At the time the effects in the movie were the best ever. The movie won an Oscar award in 1954 for best effects and special effects. The Characters were unknown actors because it was a "B" movie, but overall I think they were great. I liked how the movie used actual cities and making it seem real, but then making it seem fake with the aliens, making it a science-fiction movie.
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